There are many unlocking codes web site scripts in the gsm market already selling in XX amount of dollars , but we realized there are many pottential customers who want to pay for the customized work with dedicated support & they understand the nature and complexity of the work involved. '' let us handle the work load & you take care of your biz '' we have done some offshore work already for some of these customers before releasing the product & all of them are much satisfied , we tested the product and is all been running good since a month or so . the script will be provided with frequent upates like any other gsm product , some kool and nice updates will follow in coming days. Cpanel=user:admin pass:admin Admin Panel Demo Customer Panel Demo We've recently introduced new some new features in the admin dashboard for Dani's customers. Following are the details of them. Jobs Summary: Now admin can see the jobs as per their statuses in a glimpse. Following screen shot will give you an idea about it. As an admin you can see total jobs in the system, jobs as per their statuses (Available, Not Available, In Process). An admin can also see, the number of custmers, who have been logged in to his customer panel as 'Online Customer(s)' in the following screen shot. There is also a Settings button below, by using which you can set few global settings in the system, like setting Company Name, Time Difference, Email Address etc. Graphical Requests Per Package: Being an admin, now you can also see the number of requests made by your customers in the form of percentage grouped by your packages in the system. Following screen shot will give you an idea about it. Code's Statuses Per Packages In the following screen shot, admin will be able to see the requests against packages grouped by code's statuses. Current Days Jobs & Details In the following screen shot, admin will be able to see the the current day's job count and their details as per packages. Online Customer(s) Admin will also be able to see the customers currently logged in his cutomer panel. He'll be able to see the username, Login Time and IP address of the customer. SPAIN AdnanRaj Sonork: 100.1582924 Spain: +34-632639577 Spain:+34-600077222 Skype:AdnanRaj007 WEB::: Bimillah Mobiles :: Payment info: Paypal – Masspay, Western Union, Bank Transfer,La Caixa sorry for mass MORE TO COME STAY TUNED !